PUR-SIP timber frame panels consist of C24 reinforced planed wood, HFO PUR insulation with closed pores and OSB.

Closed pore foam is injected into the panels using a special injection and compression technology that leaves no air in the insulation or between the layers, resulting in a foam density that is many times higher and more thermally stable than that of a typical spray-fitted pur-foam or any wool or EPS insulated wall construction or SIP element.

Paneelide soojustamiseks kasutatatud HFO vaht sisaldab propellanti, mis on keskkonnaohutu, mittepõlev, ilma vähelenduvate ühenditeta, ülimadala globaalse soojenemise potentsiaaliga (<1) ja osoonikihti kahandavate aineteta ning toode vastab uusimatele EL ja USA määrustele, millega keelustatakse CFC-, HCFC- ja HFC-propellendid.

PUR-SIP panels provide a significant gain in energy costs, plus you gain 5-6% more net living area for the same floor area.

The typical timber frame wall construction used by many housebuilders in the production of prefabricated and modular houses today is a 380mm thick wall element with all layers, insulated with 300mm wool.

However, the PUR-SIP panel achieves the same U-factor with only 170 mm of insulation.

The closed pore foam in the panel provides both a wind barrier and vapour tightness, so the typical additional layers are not necessary, and if the utilities are already built into the panel, plasterboard or internal lining board can be installed on the internal surface without grouting.

A simple calculation shows that for a wall element with an equivalent number of u, the total thickness of the PUR-SIP panel is 245 mm, which means an additional 13.5 cm of space along each length of the external wall.

For a 100m2 house, this means 5.4 m2 more usable living space under the same building footprint and roof compared to a wool element, a huge gain at today's price per square metre.